WSDM 2011 plans to offer a very selective number of high-quality tutorials covering current topics in web search and data mining. These tutorials will be taught by leading experts in the field using prepared content. To that end, we invite tutorial proposals in all areas related to WSDM, namely, web search and mining as well as social search and mining. Each tutorial proposal must include:
Tutorial information:
Tutorial title
Tutorial duration (half- or full-day)
Target audience & prerequisites if any
Estimate of expected audience size as a percentage of WSDM attendees
Teaching/learning objective
Keywords (three to five terms)
Tutorial abstract (one to two paragraphs suitable for inclusion into the conference materials)
Tutorial description
Description of tutorial material (are there any copyright issues?)
Presenter information:
Contact information
Biography (one to two paragraphs suitable for inclusion into the conference materials)
Expertise in the area covered by the tutorial (including a list of related publications)
Previous experience in delivering tutorials, if applicable
Tutorial proposals should be prepared in PDF format, and submitted by September 1, 2010 using the EasyChair system <here>. Preliminary inquiries can be sent to the tutorial co-chairs at