Co-authors' social network graph
Topical Semantics of Twitter Links 
Michael Welch, Uri Schonfeld, Dan He and Junghoo Cho
Evaluating the Visual Quality of Web Pages Using a Computational Aesthetic Approach 
Ou Wu
Clustering Product Features for Opinion Mining 
Zhongwu Zhai, Bing Liu, Hua Xu and Peifa Jia
Materializing Multi-Relational Databases from the Web using Taxonomic Queries 
Matthew Michelson, Sofus Macskassy, Steven Minton and Lise Getoor
What Blogs Tell Us about Websites: A Demographics Study 
Matt Michelson and Sofus Macskassy
Cross Llingual Text Classification by Mining Multilingual Topics from Wikipedia 
Xiaochuan Ni and Jian-Tao Sun
Multidimensional Mining of Large-Scale Search Logs: A Topic-Concept Cube Approach 
Dongyeop Kang, Daxin Jiang, Jian Pei, Zhen Liao, Xiaohui Sun and Ho-Jin Choi
Optimizing Merchant Revenue with Rebates 
Rakesh Agrawal, Samuel Ieong and Raja Velu
Searchable Web Sites Recommendation 
Nam Nguyen and Yang Song
Inferring Search Behaviors Using Partially Observable Markov Model with Duration (POMD) 
Yin He and Kuansan Wang
Improving Relevance using Web Hierarchies for Contextual Advertising 
Pavan Kumar GM, Krishna P. Leela, Mehul Parsana, Sachin Garg and Ashwin Tengli
Action Prediction and Identification From Mining Temporal User Behavior 
Gang Wang and Weizhu Chen
Collective Bayesian Extraction from Heterogeneous Web Lists 
Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Arun Iyer, Philip Bohannon and Srujana Merugu
CMAP: Effective Fusion of Quality and Relevance for Multi-criteria Recommendation 
Xin Xin, Michael R. Lyu and Irwin King
CoBayes: Bayesian Knowledge Corroboration with Assessors of Unknown Areas of Expertise 
Gjergji Kasneci, Jurgen Van Gael, David Stern and Thore Graepel
Multi-dimensional Search Result Diversification 
Zhicheng Dou, Sha Hu, Kun Chen, Ruihua Song and Ji-Rong Wen
Improving Social Bookmark Search Using Personalised Latent Variable Language Models 
Morgan Harvey, Mark Carman and Ian Ruthven
Strength of Social Influence in Trust Networks in Product Review Sites 
Ching Man Au Yeung and Tomoharu Iwata
A Combined Topical/Non-topical Approach to Identifying Web Sites for Children 
Carsten Eickhoff, Pavel Serdyukov and Arjen de Vries
Bid Generation for Advanced Match in Sponsored Search 
Andrei Broder, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Vanja Josifovski, George Mavromatis and Alexander Smola
Let Web Spammers Expose Themselves 
Zhicong Cheng, Bin Gao, Congkai Sun, Yanbing Jiang and Tie-Yan Liu
Efficient Entity Resolution for Large Heterogeneous Information Spaces 
George Papadakis, Ekaterini Ioannou, Claudia Nieder®¶e and Peter Fankhauser
Web-Scale Table Census and Classification 
Eric Crestan and Patrick Pantel
A Probabilistic Approach for Learning Folksonomies from Structured Data 
Anon Plangprasopchok, Kristina Lerman and Lise Getoor
Linking Online News and Social Media 
Manos Tsagkias, Maarten de Rijke and Wouter Weerkamp
Document Assignment in Multi-site Search Engines 
Ulf Brefeld, B. Barla Cambazoglu and Flavio P. Junqueira
Who Uses Web Search for What? And How? 
Ingmar Weber and Alejandro Jaimes
Personalizing Web Search using Long Term Browsing History 
Nicolaas Matthijs and Filip Radlinski
#TwitterSearch: A Comparison of Microblog Search and Web Search 
Jaime Teevan, Daniel Ramage and Meredith Ringel Morris
Identifying Topical Authorities in Microblogs 
Aditya Pal and Scott Counts
Correcting for Missing Data in Information Cascades 
Eldar Sadikov, Montserrat Medina, Jure Leskovec and Hector Garcia-Molina
Identifying 'Influencers' on Twitter 
Eytan Bakshy, Jake M. Hofman, Winter Mason and Duncan J. Watts
A Comparative Analysis of Cascade Measures for Novelty and Diversity 
Charles Clarke, Nick Craswell, Ian Soboroff and Azin Ashkan
Dynamic Ranked Retrieval 
Christina Brandt, Thorsten Joachims, Yisong Yue and Jacob Bank
Quality-Biased Ranking of Web Documents 
Michael Bendersky, W. Bruce Croft and Yanlei Diao
Ranking From Pairs and Triplets: Information Quality, Evaluation Methods and Query Complexity 
Kira Radinsky and Nir Ailon
Dynamic Relationship and Event Discovery 
Anish Das Sarma, Alpa Jain and Cong Yu
Joint Training for Open-domain Extraction on the Web: Exploiting Overlap when Supervision is Limited 
Rahul Gupta and Sunita Sarawagi
Scalable Knowledge Harvesting with High Precision and High Recall 
Ndapandula Nakashole, Martin Theobald and Gerhard Weikum
Mining Named Entities with Temporally Correlated Bursts from Multilingual Web News Streams 
Alexander Kotov, ChengXiang Zhai and Richard Sporat
Understanding and Predicting Personal Navigation 
Jaime Teevan, Daniel J. Liebling and Gayathri Ravichandran Geetha
Optimizing Two-Dimensional Search Results Presentation 
Flavio Chierichetti, Ravi Kumar and Prabhakar Raghavan
Transient Crowd Discovery on the Real-Time Social Web 
Krishna Kamath and James Caverlee
Adaptive Bootstrapping of Recommender Systems Using Decision Trees 
Nadav Golbandi, Yehuda Koren and Ronny Lempel
Predicting Future Reviews: Sentiment Analysis Models for Collaborative Filtering 
Learning Similarity Function for Rare Queries 
Jingfang Xu and Gu Xu
A Two-View Learning Approach for Image Tag Ranking 
Jinfeng Zhuang and Steven Hoi
Supervise Random Walks: Predicting Links in Social Networks 
Lars Backstrom and Jure Leskovec
OOLAM: An Opinion Oriented Link Analysis Model for Influence Persona Discovery 
Keke Cai, Shenghua Bao, Zi Yang, Jie Tang, Rui Ma, Li Zhang and Zhong Su
eBay: An E-Commerce Marketplace as a Complex Network 
Zeqian Shen and Neel Sundaresan
A Framework for Quantitative Analysis of Cascades on Networks 
Rumi Ghosh and Kristina Lerman
Scalable Clustering of News Search Results 
Srinivas Vadrevu, Choon Hui Teo, Suju Rajan, Kunal Punera, Byron Dom, Alexander Smola, Yi Chang and Zhaohui Zheng
Large-Scale Hierarchical Text Classification without Labelled Data 
Viet Ha-Thuc and Jean-Michel Renders
Low-order Tensor Decomposition for Social Tagging Recommendation 
Yuanzhe Cai, Miao Zhang, Chris Ding and Sharma Chakravarthy
Shopping for Products You Don't Know You Need 
Srikanth Jagabathula, Nina Mishra and Sreenivas Gollapudi
On Composition of a Federated Web Search Result Page: Using Online Users to Provide Pairwise Preference for Heterogeneous Verticals 
Ashok Ponnuswami, Kumaresh Pattabiraman, Qiang Wu, Ran Gilad-Bachrach and Tapas Kanungo
Online Stochastic Query Covering 
Aris Anagnostopoulos, Luca Becchetti, Stefano Leonardi, Ida Mele and Piotr Sankowski
Learning to Re-rank Web Search Results with Multiple Pairwise Features 
Changsung Kang, Xuanhui Wang, Belle Tseng, Yi Chang and Zhaohui Zheng
The Tube over Time: Characterizing Popularity Growth of YouTube Videos 
Flavio Figueiredo, Fabricio Benevenuto and Jussara Almeida
Citation Recommendation without Author Supervision 
Qi He, Daniel Kifer, Jian Pei, Prasenjit Mitra and Lee Giles
Query Suggestion for E-Commerce Sites 
Mohammad Hasan, Nish Parikh, Gyanit Singh and Neel Sundaresan
An Algorithmic Treatment of Strong Queries 
Ravi Kumar, Silvio Lattanzi and Prabhakar Raghavan
Enhanced Email Spam Filtering through Combining Similarity Graphs 
Anirban Dasgupta, Maxim Gurevich and Kunal Punera
Merging the Results of Query Reformulations 
Daniel Sheldon, Milad Shokouhi, Martin Szummer and Nick Craswell
Normalizing Web Product Attributes and Discovering Domain Ontology with Minimal Effort 
Tak-lam Wong, Wai Lam and Lidong Bing
Aspect and Sentiment Unification Model for Online Review Analysis 
Yohan Jo and Alice Oh
Rediscovering the Pattern-Relation Duality: Searching Patterns for Relation Extraction over the Web 
Yuan Fang and Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang
We Feel Fine and Searching the Emotional Web 
Sepandar Kamvar and Jonathan Harris
On the Selection of Tags for Tag Clouds 
Petros Venetis, Georgia Koutrika and Hector Garcia-Molina
Efficient Indexing of Repeated n-Grams 
Samuel Huston, Alistair Moffat and W. Bruce Croft
Batch Query Processing for Web Search Engines 
Shuai Ding, Josh Attenberg, Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Torsten Suel
Detecting Duplicate Web Documents using Clickthrough Data 
Filip Radlinski, Paul N. Bennett and Emine Yilmaz
KMV-Peer: A Robust and Adaptive Peer-Selection Algorithm 
Yosi Mass, Yehoshua Sagiv and Michal Shmueli-Scheuer
Understanding Temporal Query Dynamics 
Anagha Kulkarni, Jaime Teevan, Krysta Svore and Susan Dumais
Patterns of Temporal Variation in Online Media 
Jaewon Yang and Jure Leskovec
Using Graded-Relevance Metrics for Evaluating Community QA Answer Selection 
Tetsuya Sakai, Daisuke Ishikawa, Noriko Kando, Yohei Seki, Kazuko Kuriyama and Chin-Yew Lin
Mining Social Images with Distance Metric Learning for Automated Image Tagging 
Pengcheng Wu, Steven C.H. Hoi, Peilin Zhao and Ying He
Result Enrichment in Commerce Search using Browse Trails 
Sreenivas Gollapudi and Debmalya Panigrahi
Identifying Task-based Sessions in Search Engine Query Logs 
Claudio Lucchese, Salvatore Orlando, Raffaele Perego, Fabrizio Silvestri and Gabriele Tolomei
Recommender Systems with Social Regularization 
Hao Ma, Dengyong Zhou, Chao Liu, Michael R. Lyu and Irwin King
Unbiased Offline Evaluation of Contextual-bandit-based News Article Recommendation Algorithms 
Lihong Li, Wei Chu, John Langford and Xuanhui Wang
Efficient Online Ad Serving in a Display Advertising Meta-Exchange 
Kevin Lang, Joaquin Delgado, Swaroop Jagadish, Amita Gajewar, Dongming Jiang, Michael Bindeberger-Ortega, Bhaskar Ghosh, Shirshanka Das, Arathi Seshan, Chavdar Botev, Sunil Nagaraj and Raymie Stata
Trend Analysis Model: Trend consists of temporal words, topics, and timestamps 
Noriaki Kawamae
posterschedule.txt · Last modified: 2011/02/14 15:56 by jtang